TASTI Poster Session Information
Poster Setup : 2024/11/30 14:00-17:00、2024/12/01 09:00-14:30
Venue : Corridor 301

Presenter Guideline
Session type:You may choose oral or poster presentation. However, the final type will be determined by the program committee.
- Please come to your assigned session room 10 minutes in advance to fine-tune the session with the session chairs and other presenters as well as to test your presentation.
- All presentations (PPT or PDF) must be upload to the laptop before the beginning of each session. Personal laptops CANNOT be used in meeting rooms while giving your oral presentation.
- We recommend you bring at least two copies of your presentation file (on USB storage device) to the meeting in case there is an issue with your presentation.
- Poster sessions will take place in corridor 301.
- Poster size: 84.1cm (width) x 118.9cm (height), straight A0 size.
- Place your abstract title and author name(s) prominently at the top of the poster to facilitate easy identification of your abstract by viewers.
- Author Name, e-mail, and address information must be provided in case viewers are interested in contacting you for further information.
- There is no prescribed format for poster papers, you have complete freedom to display your information using figures, tables, text, photographs, etc., on the poster.
- Poster Setup: 30 Nov. 14:00-17:00、1 Dec. 09:00-14:30.
- Posters must be removed by 4 Dec. 12:00-14:00; otherwise, they will be discarded.
Topics & Subtopics
01 | Spacecraft/Satellite Development |  |
0101 | Space Missions |
0102 | Spacecraft System Engineering |
0103 | Spacecraft Component Development |
0104 | Spacecraft Payloads |
0105 | Spacecraft Integration & Tests |
0106 | Other Spacecraft Development Related Topics |
02 | Launch Vehicle Research and Development |  |
0201 | Launch Vehicle Systems Engineering |
0202 | Launch Vehicle Propulsion System |
0203 | Launch Vehicle Structural System |
0204 | Launch Vehicle GNC System |
0205 | Sounding Rocket Missions |
0206 | Launch Complex Development |
0207 | Any Other Subjects Pertaining to Launch Vehicle Research and Development |
03 | Ground Segment Development and Application |  |
0301 | Remote Sensing Satellite Image Processing (i.e., Image Processing System and Image Processing algorithms, etc.) |
0302 | Satellite Communication/Navigation Applications |
0303 | Satellite Operation & Control System |
0304 | Innovative Development of Satellite Ground Stations |
0305 | Other Ground Segment Development and Application Related Topics |
04 | Comprehensive Topics |  |
0401 | Space Policy and Law (including International Cooperation) |
0402 | Space Education |
0403 | Space Security |
0404 | Space Industry Development |
0405 | Space Environment |
0406 | Other Topics Related to Space |
Abstract Submission
Guideline for TASTI 2024
- Paper title (50 words maximum)
- Abstract (between 200 and 800 words. Long abstract is unnecessary.)
- Must include the title, the authors list and their affiliation and at least three keywords to describe the research area of the paper.
- Provide sufficient detail to demonstrate the context and purpose of the paper, the technical description of the research topic, any preliminary results to date, and the expected results of the final paper, including key figures, equations, tables, and references, as appropriate. Sufficient information must be included in the submission to convince the workshop organizers and reviewers that the author(s) will have a strong likelihood of completing the final manuscript by the final manuscript submission deadline.
- The official language of the meeting is English. Please submit your abstract in English and, if your abstract is accepted, plan to present in English.
- The abstract shall be uploaded as .pdf files only.
- The templates at the following links are updated to fulfill this requirement.
- Abstract Template Updates0812 (Word) Download
Important Notes
- ALL submissions must be made on-line via TASTI 2024 website.
- Email submissions will NOT be accepted.
- If you need to edit any author information or resubmit your paper, it may be done up until the submission deadline.
- The person submitting the abstract will automatically be listed as the first author and may serve as the presenting author or designate a presenting author.
- Abstract acceptance notifications, including scheduling information, will be sent to presenting authors in the end of September.
- Oral presentation formats are PowerPoint file (*.pptx or *.ppt) or PDF file.
- Poster size: 84.1cm (width) x 118.9cm (height), straight A0 size.
- Poster presenters are required to create a printed poster and attach it to the assigned board in corridor 301 using double-sided tape, ensuring no adhesive residue is left. Stapling is not permitted; only tape may be used.
- Please note that TASTI does not offer printing services for posters.
Dates & Deadlines
1st Announcement for TASTI 2024 and Call for Papers
Deadline for Submission of Abstracts
Acceptance of Abstract Notifications to All Authors Completed
Final Scientific Program Posted to Website
First day of TASTI 2024